Tuesday, August 3, 2010


1) Tis the season to get prepared for cold/flu season...ick. I need to stock up on tissues, pain reliever/fever reducer, Vitamins D and C, hand sanitizer, ionic silver, spice traders and oregano oil. Whew! That will keep me busy this month! But it's worth it when several family members get sick at the same time and I already have supplies on hand.

***If you are interested in ordering any of the last 4 of the listed supplies you can email me at foodstoragenow@gmail.com.

***I was just thinking, would anyone be interested in having a no cost class on home health care to prepare for the winter season? We have some knowledgable people that would be able to teach us about using oils, silver, etc. to prevent and treat sickness at home. Let me know at foodstoragenow@gmail.com!

2) Case-lot sales will be coming up soon. I will be making a list of the things I am low on so I can spot the deals and stock up! (I love the feeling of "all is safely gathered in" for winter, so I know I can be ready to hunker down and enjoy the snow!)

1 comment:

  1. Throughout the year, especially during cold and flu season my family uses thieves, oregano, Vitamins d and c, hand sanitizer and ionic silver. We LOVE them. What I like to do during cold and flu season is run my diffuser with thieves before we go out somewhere. That way my family has already inhaled the thieves and it is on their clothes. Then when we come home we run the diffuser again for about 10 minutes. My children will not take gel caps but of course my husband and I will. When someone is sick we take a gel cap of thieves (7 drops) and oregano (2 drops). The oils get into our system and any "bugs" they come in contact with will not live. My children will put a little bit of thieves in their water at those times since they refuse to take a gel cap. I am so grateful for my diffuser and oils.
