Thursday, March 5, 2009


This is the month of the seeds! We are gearing up for spring/gardening so in honor of that we have put together some great deals on long-term seed storage!

GARDEN SEEDS: see post below

HERB SEEDS: Grow your own herbs to go with those vegetables! These are heirloom seeds, also. Easy to grow basil, chives, cilantro, dill, fennel, lavender, oregano, sage, thyme and parsley. $31

ALFALFA SPROUTS: Grow an indoor garden, and have fresh sprouts on hand for salads even if fresh produce is not available,and a complete protein. So easy to grow with our sprouter cup, listed below. $20 per 5# bag

SPROUT MIX: A tasty variety of sprouts, including Azuki, Fenegreek, Mung, Lentils, Peas, Triticale, Wheat. These can also be used with the sprouter. ProVita Mix is organic, and rated by USU to be "Complete Nutrition"...great on salads or sandwiches! $4 for 1 lb, $105 for 5 gallon sealed bucket

EASY SPROUTER: The 'no rinse' feature makes it easy and maintenance free to grow your own sprouts, even bombproof! Great for when pure water is precious. Has special piece for sm seeds. $12.50 ea.

SPROUT KEEPER: Great for storing and sprouting successive batches of sprouts. Never run out, always have some ready to harvest, or for mutiple crops. Sprouts keep up to two weeks in keeper. Adaptable for sprouting large seeds in it as well. $9.50 ea,or 3 for/$26.

HONEY: Utah grown, right off the farm! This is raw honey, unfiltered, NOTHING added, which means it will keep indefinitely. For those that came to pick up at the store last week, samples were available and everyone LOVED this honey. Available in two sizes: 5 lb. tub= 15.00, 5 gal. bucket=120.00. The only other honey we found from the farm was 200.00 a bucket. Don't miss it!

Ongoing sales of the ceramic water filters 38.00, olive oil gallon 24.00, square buckets w/lids 2.50 (food grade liners .15), and hard white wheat (15.00/bag, 18.00/bucket). **NOTE: The price of wheat has gone down from $16 to $15. Stock up before it goes up again!

To order, or have your name put on the email list, email or

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found this blog through my mother-in-law Paula Deller. She also sent me your 52 weeks to family preparedness. It would be great if you could post those on here as well!
