Monday, August 1, 2011


Wow, can't believe it's August. Think about this...the year is 2/3 over. WHAT? So it's going to be Christmas in, like, 2 weeks? That's about how quick it goes folks.

And sometimes my preparedness plans fall through the cracks. But the great thing about this here blog is that each month I can re-focus and try, try again. So that's what we're doing. In keeping with my last post and focusing my efforts on specific categories, here are my goals this month:
  • BABY NEEDS: I am going to add an extra case of (large...for any size baby) disposable diapers and wipes to my brand new "baby" tote, as well as some pins and plastic pants to go over cloth diapers. I'll also throw in some extra blankets that I have on hand, some formula/bottled water with a bottle and baby cereal, and a couple little outfits. This goes with the 72 hr. kit items that I have for baby that include heavy winter clothes. This is not necessarily intended to be a long term fix, but hopefully it would provide some immediate help for me or someone else in an emergency situation. I can't imagine not having diapers on hand in a crisis!
And that's a big enough project for me for this month, what with school starting and what not. If you have any other ideas for baby emergency needs, please feel free to post!

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