Friday, March 26, 2010

OOPS! Hybrid and non-hybrid mistake

Hey everyone,
In my excitement to get that last email out to you, I made some mistakes with my verbage in regards to the hybrid (regular, one-season seeds) and the non-hybrid (heirloom) seeds. My bad! So if you are are not alone. Here is the difference between the 2:

Hybrid = type of seed that you canNOT harvest seeds that will harvest/grow again and bear fruit. You grow it, eat it, the end. You may get a volenter plant come up from it a time or two. But you cannot harvest seeds from it. This is the kind sold nearly exclusively at our stores. They have been breed to have certain desirable qualities. I have heard that they do not have as much nutrition for you as the other kind of plants made from the other seed, but they can be more disease resistant.

Non-hybrid = Heritage. It has not been 'bred.' It is in it's original unchanged form. Man has not done his stuff to this plant. These two words non-hybrid and Heritage are the same. You can use these words interchangably. Many of these seeds came over from the Mayflower. They are hardy. You can harvest their seeds, and they will reproduce (and put the seed growers out of business). Supposedly they are more "pure", meaning the fruit has a richer color and taste.

**For our emergency preparedness purposes, we are offering the HERITAGE, NON-HYRBRID seeds. Vegetables, 25 varieties, $37. Herbs, 11 varieties, $32. If you are interested, email me at

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