Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Each month I am focusing on two areas of preparedness to work on and I invite you to join me or leave your comments if you have some great ideas. My focus for this month is:

1)Stock up my freezer. It's looking a little lean after the long winter. I know March was frozen foods month, but better late than never right? I like to store frozen fruits and vegetables, freezer jams, breads and buns, butter, juice, ice cream, frozen pies, and whipped topping (SO important for preparedness :) and meats of all sorts in my freezer. So I'll be scouting around for some *cool* deals.

2)Time to inventory my 72 hour kits again. I try to change things out with the changing seasons, so in the event of an emergency, I can "grab n go" with the things that will be really beneficial during that specific season, i.e. suncreen and extra water in the summer, heavy jackets and extra socks in the winter. I'll do another posting later on good things to include in your 72 hour kit and other ideas to help you get it put together. One of our group members happens to have a great deal of knowledge in this area so I will consult her and get some of her ideas.

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